Eat, Play, Laugh with Debbie Messenger

Let's Talk About...Dieting!

Debbie Messenger Season 1 Episode 12

In this episode, listeners will go on a journey to discover that when it comes to food and dieting, it's better to make a lifestyle change, than to go on a diet.  When a person says they're going on a diet, this set's the brain into survival mode. It begins to think about the restrictions, the foods and drinks the body will no longer be able to have. It's time to set the mind & body at ease, and instead decide to make a lifestyle change.

The three main points of this episode:

1. No longer go on diets, instead make a decision to make a lifestyle change.
2. Try to eat clean, whole, plant, natural foods and stay away from processed foods
      a. Specifically stay away from white sugar and flour.
      b. Eat real proteins.
      c. Make as much of your own food as possible, DM for the 5-ingredient mayonnaise recipe.
3. Avoid the "Cheat" mentality.  Cheating is acting in an underhanded or deceptive manner, don't cheat on yourself.  Instead, create a Carb Cycling day, or 1 day out of the week where you treat yourself to whatever it is you're craving.

I started my lifestyle change five years ago by starting Keto, if you want to know more feel free to message me on social media.

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For additional support and joyful living tips: 

EPL Intro - introduces the podcast and host.

EPL Outro - Gives info on when the podcast will drop and how to connect with the host.